May 14, 2010

"I now walk into the wild"

If you noticed recent Twitter updates, you read my mention of the life of Chris McCandless. When you immerse yourself into his story, you are compelled to take the journey with him and to ask the same questions of yourself. It is, I believe, a journey worth taking. I encourage you to visit him yourself. Let it sit with you for a while before making some final decision. Your reaction, truthfully, is not as important as what it helps you to see of yourself. Going through the ordeal with Chris will benefit you by revealing a part of yourself to you and helping you to understand how you view the world.

Here are some primary sources for reading Chris's story: The book Into The Wild by John Krakauer, the movie Into The Wild directed by Sean Penn, the music Into The Wild soundtrack by Eddie Vedder. You can also read the original article from Outside Magazine, Death of an Innocent written by John Krakauer.

From a Twitter reply, I learned of a new book coming out co-produced by Heather Horton. She is working on the book with Chris's parents along with other artists and friends. I refer you to her blog entry about her own journey to Bus 142. At the end is an update on the book and its progress. I have asked Heather to keep us updated on the book's developments, and she has kindly promised to do so. Now, I turn it over to you.

Grace and Peace on your journey!

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